Special conventions
For state and city loans, special rules have been used to facilitate searches and readability of lists and listings.
For state bonds, we first enter the name of the country written in English and capital letters followed by the year of issue of the loan. Then comes in the language of the title the name of the country followed by a mention of the loan. Thus the loan opposite of Congo Belge was encoded as follows : 'BELGIAN CONGO 1906 - ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE COLONIE DU CONGO 1906 DETTE PUBLIQUE 4%...'

For loans of cities or towns, similarly, one begins by writing the name of the city followed by the date of issue of the loan and a mention of the type of loan. The mention city, commune, canton, ... in the language of the title is returned to the end preceded by a comma. If entries are made in 2 languages, the second language is included in the description. Thus the loan opposite of the Ville d'Anvers was encoded as follows : ANVERS 1936 - STAD ANTWERPEN 1936 LEENING VAN 75.000.000 FRK / VILLE D'ANVERS 1936 EMPRUNT DE 75.000.000 FRS
You will still find many titles that do not respect this convention introduced quite recently.